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Retirement Plan

At Hadel Financial we believe that having a retirement account is not having a retirement plan. The foundation to a successful retirement is building a well- designed plan that can guide you for the long term.

Our comprehensive Wealth and Retirement Plan is designed to help you achieve all of your retirement goals and dreams. Much time is spent designing your plan around what you want your retirement to look like. It starts with an in depth analysis of your current financial situation including your income, debts, risk tolerance and assets.  Identifying strategies to maximize your retirement income sources including your social security and pension benefits. Our interactive planning technique will allow you to see how every decision you make in retirement will affect your long term plan before you have to make that decision. 

Once completed, we will stress test your plan for the many risk you may face in retirement including wall street, healthcare, taxes and inflation.  Finally, we will construct a portfolio designed specifically to meet your retirement income needs. 

Discover how you can achieve retirement confidence with our comprehensive Wealth and Retirement Plan.  Schedule a time for your complimentary consultation.